THE week
10:17 AMWhew! What a week! So many things happened the past few days, I'm thankful that I didn't lose my sanity.
-Dad was admitted in the hospital due to extreme neck and back pains. They ruled out stroke and had an MRI. Thank heavens I had them as my dependents for my HMO. Do you know how much this fucking MRI costs? 10 grand! He's now out of the hospital after staying there for five days.
-I think I've blogged about it. I almost got fired but now I'm with a new department. To prevent adding more fuel to the fire, they just moved me (of course with my consent). But I just felt that the case needed closure, I needed closure. So I talked to the client directly and learned that he wasn't even aware that I moved to another program. I was appalled and was even more infuriated because they set my expectations earlier that my stay will be dependent on the client.
My [now former] manager and I talked yesterday and he explained everything. He said he didn't want to burn any bridges and told me everything that happened which I wasn't aware of. He said he worked double time for me not to get fired and that he wanted to apologize for anything he needs to apologize for.
I told him:
1. You mismanaged my expectations
2. I felt like no one supported me in this case.
3. I still feel that it could have been handled differently.
4. You completely disregarded my contributions to the success of our program.
5. I felt like you pushed for my termination.
Anyway, what's done is done. I just hope that I'll find success in this new program. I like challenges and so far, I've never failed in any of the programs I joined. So I truly believe I can still do it.
-IRENE JOY IS IN MANILA! Joy and I met in 2003. We worked together in a BPO company. We used to go to lunch together (and by lunch I am referring to the one hour break that usually happens at 12 midnight) and buy at the Binggo convenience store (which was bought by 7-eleven a few years ago). We went to Trinoma and had our usual long talk and took some photos....

'Ganito po sir?' Tanong ni kuyang barbero.
I gasped then said, 'Ah... okay po.' So now, I'm sporting this haircut:
-KARIN IS ALSO IN MANILA. We'll have lunch latah. I'm so excited. We've been planning this reunion for quite some time now. I was supposed to go to Cebu but it was cancelled. So now she's here. Will blog about it latah.
-In other news, Perez Hilton has posted the new video of the Spice Girls.
It's one of those videos where there's no plot but the singers look all glam and hot. The real shocker in the video? GINGER'S ABS! Go check it out and see for yourself!