Coffee, Margaritas,
Office Politics, etc.
3:54 AM
Hay Buhay!
I just found out that right after the dimwits talked to me, they reveled inside the moving elevator, clapping their hands and were obviously elated at the fact that I'm out. Boo hoo. Office politics sucks but hey, at least I know I made that big of an impact.
The race for the Starbucks stickers is back and I am seriously going to get a planner this year! I've promised to collect these stickers since 2003 but I never really completed the 24-stamp/sticker requirement. I ended up giving away my stickers and just enjoy my frap. So far I've got four stickers.. whew! Long way to go...
Drank 5 margaritas last night. I'm actually enjoying my job now. Of course, we still haven't started the 'real work' but we're getting there. I'm delighted that I've been blessed with colleagues who have a good sense of humor and love for alcohol. I feel better now.
In other news:


You're fired!