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- 5:29 PM
I was surprised at the amount of mommy bloggers online. A few years ago, blogs are known to be used only by people with techie people are very knowledgeable about the internet. Now, more mothers are recognizing the power of the internet and most of them are doing it while earning through their blogs.
I've been in touch with some of the mommy bloggers and I enjoy reading their blogs, especially the Filipino mothers who are living in other parts of the world. Most of them talk about paying bills, picking up the dry cleaning, dealing with their kids and working to pay for tuition. I can somehow relate, since I will be paying for my little sister's tuition soon. And so we are all looking for other means to pay for bills and some other stuff we need in our lives.
For the mommy bloggers out there, I highly recommend that you sign up for SocialSpark. Blogging is something you can do together with raising your kids and working from home. SO why not earn from it too? SocialSpark will soon have more offers for mothers out there. Sign up for their mailing list to join as soon as this goes public.
- 12:21 AM
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- 6:56 AM
From Associated Press: "The FCX Clarity, which runs on hydrogen and electricity, emits only water and none of the noxious fumes believed to induce global warming. It is also two times more energy efficient than a gas-electric hybrid and three times that of a standard gasoline-powered car, the company says."
Honda expects to lease only "a few dozen" models this year, "and about 200 units within three years. In California, a three-year lease will run $600 a month, which includes maintenance and collision coverage." The first cars will be delivered to customers who applied for leases on Honda's website over the last year. Though Honda won't explain how it chose its first few dozen customers from over 50,000 applications, it's worth noting that the chosen few include "actress Jamie Lee Curtis and filmmaker husband Christopher Guest, actress Laura Harris, and film producer Ron Yerxa."
- 9:32 AM

Earlier last week, there were reports that Edward Norton was not doing his part in promoting his film. According to SuperHeroHype.com this was largely because of the fact that he wasn't given proper writing credits for the film. It is said that Norton wrote the part where he finds the serum in the Amazon, exchanging emails with Tim Blake Nelson and a few other parts.
When it came to the final edit, some good 20 minutes of what Norton has written ended up in the cutting room while 50 minutes will be featured on its soon-to-be-released DVD. When presented to the Writers' Guild, full credits were given to Zak Penn, who argued that his original screenplay wasn't fully modified by Norton.
MY TAKE ON THE FILM: I do remember being entertained by the first Hulk movie. There were a few hits and misses on this one. The first few scenes were very dragging. I remember looking at the time as much as Bruce Banner checks his heart rate through his watch. It only started to be interesting when the original Hulk did a cameo as the security guard and when Stan Lee did his usual cameo. This was probably his longest one to date.
I thought the end part was done in a jiffy. First, the transformation of the Abomination looked a bit forced. It needed more character development which was not seen in this movie. The best parts are when Norton fell out of the helocopter, not knowing if he's morph into the Hulk or not; and the scene at the motel where he and Betty Ross were about to have sex but his heart rate changed so they stopped.
And oh, I got very excited when the Hulk did his signature move: the Thunder clap which I always use when playing Marvel Vs. Capcom.
I didn't quite like the ending. He didn't really kill the Abomination. So what happens to the monster? It just grew weak because of their fight. It didn't even morph back to Blonsky.
- 7:07 AM

Which Sex and the City character are you?

I guess that was the problem. As Jessica Zafra wrote on her blog, the producers were so busy with the fashion displayed on the movie that they forgot to check the script. Anyway, I heard they're doing another movie. I also know that Kim Catrall will be doing another series with HBO, which was part of the deal when she accepted SATC The Movie.
For those in the Philippines, I know you're very disappointed with how some of Samantha's scenes ended up in the cutting room. The censors' board was busy with this film that Samantha's jokes became riddles. Can't blame them though. They're just doing their jobs. We should just probably wait for the DVD to be released.
However, I found this (READ: NSFW) somewhere. The naked man on the movie a.k.a. Samantha's neighbor is unveiled. WARNING! NSFW! Click ONLY if you're 18+.
Ready? Watch here.
- 1:50 PM

Look more closely...
Wow! I thought it's too early to be on the spotlight but apparently, I was wrong! Thanks SocialSpark!
- 7:23 PM
The video features the latest face mapping technology which is no doubt, very impressive!
There's more happening on MiniMovie, the makers of this funny video.
- 9:32 AM

I knew this was going to happen. Arnel Pineda is featured on the latest GQ where he tells his story on the internationally popular men's magazine. Props to you Arnel for making Filipinos around the world so proud! Who would have thought that Journey would find their new singer through YouTube and he happens to be from a small town in the Philippines? I wish you all the luck in the world!
The full article can be read here.
- 1:44 PM

While he's still working on the huge projects, take a look at his latest movie Eagle Eye. The trailer doesn't show much but it looks pretty good.
- 10:33 AM
Meanwhile, the Autobots will soon discover that Megatron's body would be stolen by Skorpinox. The surviving decepticon will revive his master using his own spark. With Megatron alive, and Starscream backed with more decepticons, we can only expect a bigger and better battle of the transformers.
Rumor has it that they are trying to bring in 20 robots for this movie. That's 10 Autobots and 10 Decepticons. Also, the fallen Jazz MIGHT be returning. How? All we can do is wait for now. Here's one of the robots which was supposed to be used in the first movie. Arcee is a female transformer who transforms into a motorcycle.

- 10:20 AM
The best parts: I love Howie's reaction when the 26K was introduced. He also did the Kris' way of saying 'Deal or No Deal' and he did it pretty well.
Some not-so-good parts: Why the hell was Kris shrieking all the time? Well, like what Howie Mandel said, he wanted to show how it's done here and Kris definitely did what she does best.
Here's the clip. Don't forget to tell me what you think.
- 8:27 AM
Thanks to AJ for this super funny link!
- 11:36 PM
iPhone Hits and Misses (from Yahoo Tech)
As expected, we got 3G, GPS, and lower prices. But some of the most exciting iPhone rumors—such as videoconferencing and additional iPhone models—failed to materialize. Also: Details on rate plans, contracts, and battery life.
First of all, let's talk turkey—specifically, the $299 price tag for the 16GB model and $199 for the 8GB version. Now, in a moment, you're going to find me grousing about what's missing in the new iPhone, but from the feedback I'm getting so far, people are thrilled about the lower prices. While $199 isn't exactly cheap for a phone, it's a bargain when you consider the features packed into the iPhone 3G. Expect lines around the block when it goes on sale July 11.
That said, AT&T just announced that the data plan for the iPhone 3G will run you $30 a month, a $10 premium over the original's EDGE-only plan, so keep that in mind while you're calculating your savings. And yes, you'll need to sign a new two-year contract with AT&T, even if you're a current subscriber.
Anyway, the iPhone looks pretty much like the iPhone of old—and while Jobs crowed that the new iPhone is thinner "at the edges" than the original, the iPhone 3G is, in fact, about 0.02 inches thicker than its predecessor. That said, according to the specs, the new iPhone is about 0.1 ounce lighter than the EDGE-only model.
Read the rest of the story here.
- 7:39 PM
- 9:55 AM

She's touted to be next Oprah and Martha Stewart. Really? Maybe. She's a smart girl mate. She turned her previous career, her education and passion into something profitable, something we now know as her Bankable Productions, the production outfit that produced her popular shows like America's Next Top Model, The Tyra Banks Show, and the soon-to-be-released reality show Stylista.
This video was taken while being interviewed for her cover story on The New York Times. Props for Tyra on this one. She never fails to amaze me when she tries so hard to convince me that there actually are 275 possible smiles one can make.
- 3:52 PM
It's interesting that after 4 more seasons, some people still look at these performances on YouTube and comment on who really deserved to win. A lot of people seem to be on Fantasia's camp. One comment caught my attention though. The Youtube member said Charice Pempengco also sang this song and said she did a lot better than Fantasia or Diana. Here's the clip. Let me know which side you're on:
- 7:37 AM
There are numerous fallacies in preventing the blood sugar from shooting up. For one, people believe that products such as the zero calorie, no sugar sodas can solve this. Most comsumers don't understand that the sugar in these drinks are replaced by artificial sweeteners which are twice as dangerous as the ordinary sugar.
Reader's Digest offers a bunch of information online about RD.com - Managing Diabetes. Readers may check their knowledge on this illness by submitting themselves to a Diabetes IQ test. Afterwhich, they may proceed to several articles online on understanding how the blood sugar is measures, what can be done to prevent diabetes, and some recipes which are friendly to those who are diabetic.
Other topics include:
-Understanding Glycemic Index
-Exercising with Diabetes
-Foods to Stabilize Blood Sugar
-Diabetes-Friendly Recipes
Reader's Digest team updates the information frequently so you can check back for more information on how to fight diabetes. We can all fight diabetes or prevent it from happening. It's just the right amount of knowledge that is needed in order to cope with it.
- 12:51 AM
- 6:31 PM
- 6:55 AM
One of the comments of the video is actually correct. There's this theory that the pyramids were built in such a way that they mirror the stars - a certain constellation. Once they figure out if this is true, they can just map out the skies and look for all those hidden pyramids.
- 3:39 AM

What's worse is that the MTRCB has made silly cuts in the movie to make it fit into the PG 13 category. The result: a sanitized, hodge-podge that is called Sex and the City. Raise your hand if you understood the joke about Samantha's pot belly? Of course you don't because that scene ended up in the cutting room, leaving us wondering what the heck they were talking about.

I will watch the movie again. Who knows, maybe this post might need a rewrite. Fow now, I'm giving is 2 out of 5 stars.
- 1:27 AM

And yes, it was a lot of fun! I have to say, some parts were kind of boring. The Indy rip-off, National Treasure was better at keeping the moviegoers excited in every scene. A few things I loved:
1. Harrison does not try too hard with his action scenes. It does portray him as an aging adventurer.
2. As usual, Cate Blanchett delivers. I admire her for doing well in using the accents required in her movies. She did well as an Irish reporter in Veronica Guerin. In Indy4, she plays a Russian and speak Russian too.
3. Clearly, the Indiana Jones franchise is still alive. And I'm glad that they chose Shia LaBeouf to be the next Indy.
- 3:07 PM
I have to say, I see myself in Archuleta. When I was younger, I was so much into music. I was a member of the music club. I was also a song leader in our Catholic masses when I was in grade school. I joined the UP Manila Chorale in college but my parents asked me to quit. Rehearsals would not end until the wee hours and my mom was ultra worried back then.
Here's Archuleta singing my favorite song, A thousand Miles. ENJOY!
- 2:39 AM
- 8:28 PM
The Brazilian Job (2009) Jason Statham, Charlize Theron and Mark Wahlberg will return to the sequel of the Hollywood remake of The Italian Job. I don't remember the story of the original movie but I do remember the car chase featuring the small Mini Cooper cars.
I am Legend 2 (2010) Eww... Dunno why they're making another one. This movie barely gave me the chills! I hate that Will Smith did this crappy movie about humanity's end caused by a deadly virus which turns people into vampire-like savages. I don't get it. I don't.
Transporter 3 (TBA) Yey! Jason Statham will be back as the Transporter! I love the first two movies. People hate action movies like this because the stunts are crazy-impossible but I love both films. I think Jason Statham is awesome!
Silent Hill 2 (2010) I don't know why people don't like the movie. I think it's one of the scariest movies of all time. Plus there's some philosophical touch added to the story which made it more interesting.
Pink Panther (2009) Oh my! Another Pink Panther movie?? The Beyonce movie didn't even make a lot of money, right? Let's just hope they'll come up with funnier jokes this time.
The full list can be viewed here.
- 9:52 AM
I want to know who's decision it was to post the picture of her two girls while she was singing. I mean, that part of her story in this competition should be over now. She should be focusing on how she could win this thing and how she could improve her performances. Sadly, this one is turning into Britain's version of Wowowee.
You sometimes cannot argue with Simon Cowell. He's very honest and admit it, most of the time he tells the truth! While Madonna's performance was not any better than her previous one, I still hope she'll be given another chance. If not, I hope she gets more jobs in the UK like what she said she wanted to get out of this competition.
UPDATE: Madonna has been eliminated.
- 9:13 PM
Meanwhile, I learned that there's a new space mission just recently. Shuttle Discovery just blasted into orbit from Cape Canaveral, FL, carrying a crew of 7, some lab additions to the space station, and an unlikely tool for space exploration: a toilet pump.
The space mission will be completed in two days. Once they arrive at the international space station, they are expected to install the $1 billion lab, as big as a school bus.
Learn more about the launch here: http://spaceflight.nasa.gov
- 3:33 PM
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